Idea Garden

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Trimble’s Idea Garden, notable for its free and frolicsome style, features convoluted pathways, offbeat artifacts, a bathtub pond with a fountain, and planted-up outhouse. But it’s not just all fun; Trimble’s originality in plant selection and design will really knock your clogs off.

Initially planted in 1995 in memory of Nancy Leskody’s brother, Stephen Leskody, this garden has expanded over the years to allow visitors to see many of our unique specimens in maturity and in surprising combinations. Savor the chocolatey leaves and airy white flowers of Cimicifuga, the splashy blues of Baptisia and Caryopteris, and an ancient Clematis Jackmanii on a rustic trellis. You’ll come upon huge Hosta ‘Sum and Substance’ and Pink Turtlehead. We’ve also just added special gardens to showcase drought and deer-resistant plants and an Italian-style fountain where you can just sit and dream.

Admission to the garden is, of course, free. We just ask that you enjoy your stroll. Take your time and let the beauty of nature, Trimble’s-style, surround you. If you come across a plant that begs to be in your own garden, a crew member can identify it for you and show you where to find it at the nursery. 

Some of the information describing Trimbles Nursery was taken from The Adventurous Gardener by Ruah Donnelly, pgs. 118-120.